Some of you may know what a "suicide" shower is, some may not. For the benefit of those of you who do not, it is a shower head, often "hecho en Brazil" commonly used in Latin America and other countries where electricity is expensive, as in Costa Rica. This is a strange looking shower head which contains an heating element, the temperature of which is, mas o menos, controlled by the water pressure. Now I know that the name alone might cause one to go stinky for a VERY long time, but the fact is that, according to my research, no one has actually died unintentionally from getting clean. Beats freezing your a$$s off en las montanas!
We were left with (blessed with?) one that didn't work at all. The heating element was pretty much kaput when we moved in, so Coooooooooooold showers for the last week.
On our trip to town Thursday (to find the router), we happened across una Feretteria (hardware store), where they had several hanging from hooks on the ceiling. Inquiring as to price brought some serious consideration ... hummm ... do we get the one with the funky tubing with which to rinse ones self ... uh, it is a shower, isn't it ... or the one that is like $25-30 dollars less that doesn't have the funky tubing hanging off it ... gee, let me see! Do, I want to stand under the shower to rinse or away from the shower and hose off with the funky tube? Yeah, that's what I thought ... no tube for us, although the old, dysfunctional one had one.
So, very early Friday morning, Roy installed the new "ducha"! What a wonderful shower that was! Photo to follow as soon as my phone gets it sent to my computer.
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