Sunday, February 17, 2013

A lovely Sunday at the Finca

Today, we spent a wonderful day at the finca behind our house:

We arrived a little early and so walked down the dirt road that leads to the river in the canyon bottom.  I only went part way, but Roy continued to the bottom, where he met one of these:

It obliged his thoughts about how cool it would be to have it stick around a while and flitted between his legs a few times before coming to rest on his shin!  AND, Roy without his camera!  First Blue Morpho spotted (by one of us anyway) since Puerto Viejo in 2010!

For lunch, there was a choice of the "plate of the day"; which was pretty much a typical meal of rice, black beans, piccodillo, salad & meat cooked with peppers or olla carne, which is a typical country soup made with meat, potato, corn, yam & I don't know what all else ... Roy had that.  All organic, of course.

After lunch, the patron gave a talk about "why organic" ... pretty interesting.  Then a game with a few couples that resembled The Newlywed Game ...  pretty funny, with a box of fresh organic veggies as the prize.  Then coffee & pastries, then a tour of the finca.  They had their veggies for sale and I now know where to buy geraniums & fuchsias!  I bought some of their coffee (the best) and some pure aloe gel for my ever drying skin.

Back to our house for a quick beer w/M&M, Alberto & Juan (their two youngest sons, who were enamored of the young ladies of the finca ... just sayin).  Then they were off for Alajuela to watch the Alajuela/Saprissa "football" match.

Went up the road to Isobel's for coffee later, which (for me, at least) also turns into dessert.  Tonight it was a cappuccino &  Peanut Butter Crepes with chocolate sauce.  We got into a discussion about the availability of Queso Cotija (none here) and decided to research making it.  Anyone coming to visit, please bring rennet, calcium chloride & Thermophillic culture.  Don't need much, but supplies are hard to get here!  Will let you know how it comes out if we make it.

Pura Vida,

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